Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Genius Genius Genius By Maeve Maddox A reader has asked for a post on the word genius, commenting, Its part of the word engineering but, in French, engineering is genie, which I associate with Aladdins lamp. Then, there is the genius spirit that ancient Romans associated with places. This comment offers much to address. I’ll begin with the Latin origin of the word. In classical religious belief, every human being was allotted a personal spirit at birth. This guiding spirit was called a genius, plural, genii. The role of the genius was to govern a person’s fortunes, determine his character, and to conduct him out of the world at death. The Latin word comes from a Greek verb meaning â€Å"to be born, to come into being.† This quotation from the OED show the word used in the sense of â€Å"guardian spirit†: Let their Guardian Genii still be watchful. N. Rowe Ambitious Step-mother. In addition to the kind of genii assigned to individual human beings, there was the genius loci, â€Å"genius of the place.† This spirit presided over a particular place: Watchd by the Genius of this Royal place. Dryden To Dr. Charleton in W. Charleton Chorea Gigantum. The â€Å"emperor worship† that the early Christians objected to involved burning a bit of incense not to the emperor, but to the emperor’s genius: Christianswho would die rather than fling into the altar-flame a pinch of incense to the Genius of the Emperors. F. W. Farrar Witness of Hist.   Ã‚   Genius in the sense of a guiding spirit is applied to abstract nouns and to periods of history. One may speak of â€Å"the genius of Democracy† and â€Å"the Genius of the Age.† Nowadays the word genius is often replaced by the word spirit. We’ve all seen cartoons showing a character being tempted: on one shoulder sits a little angel trying to restrain him, while on the other, a little red devil eggs him on. This depiction reflects the idea that people have not one, but two guiding genii: (a persons) good, evil genius: the two mutually opposed spirits (in Christian language angels) by whom every person was supposed to be attended throughout his life. Hence applied to a person who powerfully influences for good or evil the character, conduct, or fortunes of another. Genie and genii came to be used for demons or spiritual beings in general. Arabic jinn, the word for a class of spirits that may be good or evil, came to be spelled genii in English; singular genie became the word for one of these spirits, for example, one that might be imprisoned in a bottle. The use of genius as adjective meaning â€Å"intellectually superior† and a noun meaning â€Å"an intellectually superior person† developed in the 18th century as art critics began using genius to describe â€Å"native endowment† contrasted with â€Å"aptitudes that can be acquired by study.† This question on a homework site illustrates how this use of genius has obscured the word’s earlier meanings: If Hitler killed so many people, why is he called a genius? The youngster asking this question has no doubt seen Hitler referred to as â€Å"an evil genius† by someone who did not understand the meaning of the term. The answer given to the student’s question reflects the same confusion: You can say Hitler was a genius because he was so good at manipulating people.   He was able to get people to go along with his ideas even when they seemed to be completely crazy.  Because he was able to do this, you would have to say he was a genius.   Sadly, he used his great talents for one of the most evil goals ever. Hitler might be seen as the evil genius who influenced German doctors and prison camp directors to do abominable things, but labeling him â€Å"an evil genius† without reference to another person or persons is meaningless. The term â€Å"evil genius† refers to any personof whatever degree of intellectwho influences another person to do evil: The evil genius of the second half of Hitlers career was Goebbels. Ernst Hanfstaengel, Hitler: The Missing Years (1957). Finally, gà ©nie is the French word for engineering, but not because it has anything to do with the word genius. French gà ©nie means the same things that English genius does. The fact that the French word for engineering is also spelled gà ©nie is a coincidence: it’s a homonym derived from Middle French engigneour, â€Å"person who designs and constructs military works for attack and defense.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One Spelling50 Idioms About Fruits and VegetablesUlterior and Alterior

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The impact of long-distance on romantic relationships essay

The impact of long-distance on romantic relationships essay The impact of long-distance on romantic relationships essay The impact of long-distance on romantic relationships essayHappiness in relations, ability to love and to be loved, positive emotions, brought by these relations are the key moving factors in everybody’s life. Even if some of us do not admit it, we are all looking for close relations, for happiness in love, for spiritual and moral satisfaction. However the butterflies in the stomach, the nervous waiting for his or her phone call, even mutual interest and deep feelings do not guarantee that the happiness would last for ever. The main problem is that any relationship needs huge investments investments of trust, support understanding, time, effort and so on. The situation is sometimes getting harder, when two individuals are not living in the same town or even country. Long time ago, people were able to build romantic relationships only inside their location. Only the invention of various types of transportation and communication made long-distance romance possible. On the one h and, the brightest horizons are open for partners, on the other hand – a number of questions and problems arise: does such kind of relationship have any future? Is my partner really sincere and devoted? Is it worth all those waiting and travelling? And so on. It is not easy to answer all these questions unambiguously, however we will look for the arguments, proving, that couples, which are bond by long-distance romantic relationship have all the best chances to develop a serious, strong, perspective relations, by working harder on building mutual trust, care, love and commitment.As we have already mentioned, along with development of transportation means as well as communication services, more and more people are inclined to develop long-distance relationships. The very start of such communication is very much alike the usual meeting of the two persons, sharing some information about each other, getting to know each other better and so on. But there is an advantage, which non -local people are able to use – they can build their relationship more slowly, there are more possibilities to think over the level of relationship each of partners wants to develop.Opponents of long-distance relations usually underline the problem of feeling of loneliness. On the one hand a person is involved into relationship, on the other hand, his or her close person is not constantly nearby and as a result the feeling of anxiety, frustration is putting a great pressure. In reality, there are a lot of local relationships, in which people experience all the same things, for example because of work one or both of the partners have to travel a lot, or in most military families, where men are to follow the orders, they receive and often can not spend as much time with their families, as they would like to. The problem is actually the same, thus the solution is also alike – not to put your life on hold. It means, that a person should not concentrate on his feeling of lo neliness, should stop feeling pity and sorry about himself and the situation, rather on the contrary, should do the things, which are interesting to him or to her, which would bring satisfaction, which would contribute to their personal, spiritual, intellectual, physical development. A hobby or a combination of hobby and work would be the best variants. Under no circumstances should a person remain in isolation from family members, from friends and colleagues. All these kinds of social ties can make an important contribution to avoiding the atmosphere of loneliness or abandonment. Besides, successful and self-sufficient individuals are much more attractive to their partners, than depressed and unhappy ones.Another serious problem of long-distance relationships might be discrepancy in expectations about the attitudes of the partner, about the relationship itself, about future plans or even some minor everyday details. Again, for some partners, living locally close to each other it is also difficult to overcome the obstacles in sincere communication with each other. The fact is that only via communication, which is open and built on mutual respect, it is possible to avoid misunderstanding, disappointment and emotional hurts. Even if it is necessary to discuss the most difficult question, whether to save or to end the relationship, it is always better to open your cards and be absolutely honest. Rather often, the problems arise, when one partner puts all his or her effort into building the relationship and the second one is just accepting this effort. This is also a good theme for open and clear discussion.It is not a secret, that there is a huge amount of couples, suffering or even losing their relationships because of jealousy. The temperament of each individual might be absolutely different from the partner’s. Somebody would not even react on a late telephone call, the partner receives, and other person would have to know for sure who is calling and why , to be convinced, that there is no betraying. For a jealous person, the long distance would only worsen the situation, as there is no chance to keep all the things under constant control and observation; as a result bad pictures are drawn in the consciousness and thoughts. In most cases luckily, the situations appearing in people’s minds are far from reality, whereas in reality nothing bad is happening. Thus for those jealous individuals, who really are inclined to continue the relationship, not spoiling it with groundless suspicions and quarrels, it is necessary to make order in their brain and souls, irrespective of the actual distance from the partner, because constant jealousy is able to destroy the deepest feeling and the closest attachment.Now, when we seem to have discussed all the possible negative things, which are able to ruin the relationships, both usual and long-distance, we should briefly mention the things, which are able to contribute to positive development of the relations. Even if you are far from your partner, fortunately this doesn’t mean that there is little chance to communicate more often and to make nice unexpected surprises. A bunch of flowers in the morning or after a hard working day, even if it was sent in an attachment to your email, is able to brighten the day for your beloved woman. A mobile message, sent during the busy day, is able to relax, if there are words of love and care inside. Certainly these are only some examples, in reality there is a great number of things, which could be done to keep the romance alive.Overall, we have tried to prove, that the key to a successful and happy relationships is not in the fact how long the distance is, but rather in the ability of the partners to communicate, to develop mutual respect and care, to support each other and their romantic relations.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Memorable Childhood Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Memorable Childhood Experience - Essay Example While legendary quarterback Joe Montana was gone, Steve Young had emerged as a serious force. Not knowing much about the intricacies of the game I grew to love watching Young play because he could scramble and make sensational things happen. For the last few years, the team had gone deep into the playoffs but had always been beaten by the Dallas Cowboys. I hated the Cowboys. But this year was different; they had brought on sensational cornerback Deion Sanders and were easily the most exciting team in football. As such it that year it became a childhood tradition of watching the games on Sunday. When my parents told me that in December we would be visiting San Francisco to celebrate the birth of my cousin and get to go to a game, my mind immediately shot to the team. Not that I didn’t appreciate having a new cousin, or visiting California, but after all this was the 49ers. Looking back on the experience I laugh at my singular focus on the team. We would fly into the Bay Area and my parents and I toured the city. I witnessed Alcatraz in the background, went up and down the famous hills, and over the Golden Gate Bridge. Today these are the important experiences, but back then they were only roadblocks between me, Candlestick Park, and the 49ers taking on the Denver Broncos. As we entered the stadium I remember being awestruck. I had seen replays on television of famous games that had been played here – dramatic comebacks orchestrated by Montana to send the team to the Super Bowl. I don’t remember much about the actual game. I remember focusing on the players and being mesmerized at being able to see them in person. The game itself was a blowout, with the 49ers destroying the Broncos. Lopsided victories were sort of a 49ers tradition.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Applying Leadership Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Applying Leadership Styles - Essay Example iated by the leadership of Apple include Tim Cook as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and also inspiring employees to work with innovative ideas along with rewarding the employees for motivation. Additionally, previous CEO and charismatic leader of Apple, Steve Jobs shared the vision of launching cell phone in the market besides the computers and motivated the employees to follow his vision (Docstoc, 2012). Generally, there are three styles of leadership namely transactional, transformational and situational leadership styles. Transactional leadership style can be defined as a style of a leader with which he/she promotes acquiescence of the employees with rewards and punishes according to their performances along with focusing on every operation and activity of the organization. In other words, transactional leadership style is also known as managerial leadership style (Dibley, 2009). With due consideration to this aspect, it can be stated that a leader following this style might desire to promote innovation in the organizational operational processes by inclusion of promotions and rewards to obtain best out of the employees. Similarly, it is observed that Apple’s leaders considered this style into its operational process. Apple’s management led by Steve Jobs prudently considered the inclusion of Tim Cook as the new CEO to lead Apple to further growth and prosperity (Docstoc, 2012). Transformational leadership style can be classified as the quality of a leader who changes the state of mind according to the organizational requirements through motivating and implementing various mechanisms, further which also helps the employees to enhance their performances. The roles performed under this style include idealized influence, inspirational motivation and intellectual stimulation. Moreover, idealized influence can be stated as the manager who is identified to be the best in his/her abilities to guide and to respond to the employees’ requirements.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Scandal and controversy Essay Example for Free

Scandal and controversy Essay Scandal and controversy are a true recipe for commercial success. And with the format of the Big Brother being such that everyone in the world can see what a person does in private, the people get naturally interested. The commercial success of any program depends on the number of users it gets and the public debate it generates (read: media coverage)-more so for a reality TV program like Endemol’s Big Brother. Since its inception in Netherlands, the show has spread into many other countries, which has introduced the cultural element to it. How different people react when two different people with different backgrounds, ideas, perspectives and interests are forced to live together under one roof for a considerable period of time provides entertainment to the masses. And the figures show this. From 3 million in the first week, the show had 8. 8 million viewers at its peak for the recently-concluded, controversy-marred Celebrity Big Brother in UK. The Big Brother brand earns 10 percent of the revenues of Channel 4 which broadcasts Celebrity Big Brother. With Big Brother open for public debate, controversy is created for the smallest of reasons, since the participants are treated as minor celebrities by the masses. Sometimes, the views included racism, gender bias, sex, etc. which have again led to media activism and public debate regarding the views of the bourgeoisie and subsequent problems. The format is suited for the masses, because on the one hand, you see how a person reacts in public, while on the other, you see how they actually feel through the ‘Diary Room’. The housemates have to work according to the orders of the ‘Big Brother’, which makes it doubly interesting to see how these people live under stressful conditions. And with the voting being done both by the public and the participants on whom to evict from the house, the interest level of the masses automatically goes up, since their decision influences the eviction. That the show is a commercial success is proved by the fact that continuous video streaming facility is available on the Internet, where the people can see 24-hour feeds of what the housemates were actually doing, and people were actually ready to pay to get these feeds. The show is also used for psychological studies by scientists. German scientists even discovered that the participants are likely to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, generally seen in those who leave armed forces. A lot of interest also goes into the fact that even in this age of liberalization and globalization, the state of race, gender and class relations is primeval. And it comes out in the open due to the realistic nature of the show. The fact that such problems exist even in democratic, egalitarian societies increases the interest of the viewer and makes the program commercially successful. The show has been criticized by experts from everything ranging from the concept of the program to how problems like racism are used to maximize profits. Yet the fan following of these programs belies the wildest of imaginations. Also with the media available today, it is easy to vocalize opinion across the borders. And the program is benefiting commercially from all this hype. The success of the program in some countries may well be because it challenges the ways in which the society operates, in an honest and real manner rather than being acted out as in a soap opera. And being inherently different from the soap opera gives the masses something different to watch, something to which they can relate more. It gives a platform to the audience to evaluate and contemplate the existing societal order. Big Brother is about interacting with the audience-and getting people to decide the fates of participants. Interactive TV provides such incentives to the general public and is responsible for making the show such a commercial success. References: 1. Big Brother (TV series) Available on http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Big_Brother_(TV_series) 2. When the Whole World is Watching: The Case of Celebrity Big Brother Available on http://flowtv. org/? p=247 3. November 2002, Celebrity Big Brother Offers Even More Interaction Available on http://www. bbc. co. uk/pressoffice/bbcworldwide/worldwidestories/pressreleases/2002/11_november/audiocall_celebrity_bb. shtml 4. Hanks Robert, January 2007, First Night: Celebrity Big Brother, Channel 4 Available on http://news. independent. co. uk/media/article2124296. ece 5. Big Brother Available on http://www. bigbrother. com/big-brother. php 6. Big Brother International: Formats, Critics and Publics Available on http://www. wallflowerpress. co. uk/publications/television/big_brother. html

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sex Chromosomes Essay -- Biology, Heterothallic Fungi

The mechanisms responsible for the origin and maintenance of large non-recombining regions on sex chromosomes have been mostly studied in plants and animals, but the recent discovery of similar features on the fungal chromosomes carrying mating type genes in several species may shed new light on this phenomenon (Fraser et al. 2004). Sex chromosomes in plants and animals have evolved from an autosomal pair by the expansion of the non-recombining region around complementary genes determining sex-specific functions (Bergero and Charlesworth 2009). Such a multi-step expansion of the non-recombining regions in sex chromosomes, forming â€Å"evolutionary strata† (Lahn and Page 1999), is usually explained by the recruitment of genes determining sexually antagonistic traits (i.e. beneficial in males and deleterious in females, or conversely), via a selection for linkage to the sex-determining genes (Rice 1987, Charlesworth 2005). Selective forces driving the evolution of non-recomb ining regions are however likely to be different in fungi as cells of different mating types exhibit little phenotypic differences. In heterothallic fungi, syngamy can only occur between haploid cells carrying different alleles at the mating type genes, while in homothallic fungi, no such differences are required, allowing universal compatibility (Billiard et al. 2011). The two main fungal phyla have different mating type genes and organization: a single locus controls mating type in ascomycetes against two loci in basidiomycetes (i.e. haploid cells should carry different alleles at both loci for successful mating). One of the two loci controlling mating types in basidiomycetes encodes pheromones and pheromone receptors involved in syngamy while the other locus... ...Smith et al. 2004) and Cryptococcus neoformans (Wang et al. 2002). In R. toluroides, the gene encoding ste20 is surrounded with genes encoding pheromones (Coelho et al. 2008). Other genes, such as the abc1, with more elusive role in mating and development of fungi have also been found in close proximity to the genes encoding the pheromone and its receptor in R. toluroides (Coelho et al. 2008). In this study, our goals were therefore to: 1) identify additional genes belonging to the mating type locus in Microbotryum, in particular the genes encoding the pheromones and the homeodomain proteins, all of which control mating types in most basidiomycetes, 2) assess whether the genealogies of genes in the mating type region as well as of loci of the previously proposed strata are consistent with the existence of evolutionary strata along the mating type chromosomes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Evaluation of a Restaurant

I don’t go out for fine dining as often anymore but when I do, my expectations are well within reason of a diner. There are many factors in a restaurant that will determine whether I will be a returning patron. These factors can range from the cleanliness of its restrooms to the way the interior is decorated, but the sake of this essay, I will narrow down to the three most common-service, food and price. Service- Upon entering, I expect a host or hostess to acknowledge my presence and escort me to a table as soon as one is available. The waiter or waitress, who will be serving me, should have a good knowledge of what is on the menu for both food and wine. The server should also be quick to fill my glasses when empty. After my food has been served and a few bites into my dinner, I should be asked if it is to my approval. If not, inquire why and do something about it. My server should be proactive and attentive and instead of having to be flagged down for everything. Most of all, they should be pleasant and willing in making my experience an enjoyable one. After all, I’m not just paying for the food but paying for the service as well. Remember, TIPS is short for To Insure Prompt Service. Food- Since I will be paying for my food, I would expect it to be nothing less of delectable. Of course, presentation of the dish itself should be appetizing, but the taste is what I’m here for. If a medium-rare steak is what I order, then I want to see it seared on the outside and pinkish to slightly red towards the center thickness. Just as important, flavor should be as close to, if not exactly, as described in the menu and by the server. Vegetables, if done correctly, will add a perfect compliment. I’ve eaten at places where vegetables were so over cooked; I swear it came from a can. The point is if your food tastes like cafeteria food, complain. Let’s face it, if I’m going to fork out a â€Å"Ben Franklin† for this, it had better be worth that. Price-As the old saying â€Å"You get what you pay for† couldn’t be further from the truth. Even for something that you’ve consumed before you pay for it. But then again, the price that I’m willing to pay is for the entire experience; not just the worth of the ingredients in making my entree and for the service provided, but ultimately for my enjoyment of the meal. If I smile after each shovel of food into my mouth as opposed to a frown after each nibble, then it’s all worth it. This doesn’t necessarily mean I have to a pay and an arm and a leg for it either. I always say that when I leave a restaurant a little poorer in wealth but richer in culinary culture, then it’s worth a recommendation and better than that- a return visit. After all, regular customers and returning patrons are the ones who help keep their doors open. With all that being said, the establishment that I have been modeling the structure of this essay with, which exceeded all three of my criteria as well as others I didn’t mention is Forbes Mill Steakhouse in Los Gatos, California. Only twenty minutes from my house and is highly recommended to anyone be it local or visitors of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why Is Strategy Important to Business?

Strategy is determining where you are now, where you want to go, and how to get there. It’s the art of developing and implementing specific actions and decisions that will help a business to achieve goals and objectives as set out by the owners. Through the strategy process the overall direction of the company is set including opportunities and threats in the outside world and the internal strengths and weaknesses of the business. The aim of a business strategy is to ensure that the threats posed by the external environment are minimized and also to strengthen or minimize the effects of internal weaknesses. The opportunities and strengths are combined to ensure maximum productivity is achieved. The more the external environment changes the more opportunities there are likely for a company, but the more threats can be a problem if not prepared for. Without a business strategy, it would be difficult for an owner to realize the opportunities available. Strategic management in contrast with business policy is a technical approach having a five step model. Strategic management is a set of managerial decisions and actions that determine the long run performance of a company. Strategic management does not have to be just a part of the top level management. In fact, organizations should focus on strategic management at all levels of the management and the entire hierarchy of the company should be involved both in planning and implementation phases. Strategic management does not have to be just a part of the top level management. Organizations should focus on strategic management such that all levels of the management and the entire hierarchy of the company should be involved in both planning and implementation phases. The basic theory of strategic management involves the action of creating and implementing plans and decisions for the benefit of the organization and to help it achieve its objectives. Strategic management analyzes and scan the environment therefore future problems and opportunities could be well anticipated, allows a firm’s top management to anticipate changes and provide track and control for the enterprise, provides clear cut mission, also gives vision and objectives of enterprise to all the employees, and allows a firm to take decisions on the basis of long range forecast. Your vision must be future-oriented it has to paint a picture that attracts employees through the use of visual imagery. This is what gets people hooked into buy-ins, followership, and implementation of the plan. So it means you just have to think outside the box of today and describe the world of the future. With the current situation of the economy the fact that some business establishments have stopped their operation and closed has caused big drop in small and large corporations. Having back up plan would be the idea should the original plan does not succeed businessmen could have alternative options or backed up plans for the continuity and success of the business. Since businessmen are knowledgeable of the business processes, they know the importance of having back up plans. Without a contingency plan, and should the original plan fail, businessmen and the business could experience a lot of trouble. The Mission statement is important because it describes the reason for the existence of an organization and what it hopes to achieve. While mission statements vary from organization to organization and represent the distinctness of each one, they all share similar components. Before writing a mission statement, leaders in the organization must have an idea of what is in store for the future. This vision is the foundation for the mission statement. Most statements include descriptions of the organization's target market, the geographic domain, their concern for survival, growth and profitability, the company philosophy, and the organization's desired public image. In addition, it is a tool that conveys the goal, organizational structure and strategy, legitimacy, values, participation and ownership among employees, leadership, responsibility to the community, ethical priorities, and commitment to the public and stakeholders. The organizational decision making process involves proper and efficient implementation of strategic plans and methods to achieve desired business objective. Often one difficulty facing an organization is that multiple divisions are involved in the overall decision making process. Making a decision can have different implications for each respective division. With the businesses of today facing shortened product lifecycles, organizations are facing intense competitive pressures to build market share to stay ahead of rivals. Process changes, the introduction of new and improved disruptive technologies are forcing companies to adapt new business goals and objectives in shortened timeframes, this alone places stresses on all organization. References Karger (1991). Strategic Management: The Key to Corporate Success Pearce II, J.A., & Robinson, Jr., R.B. (2008). Strategic management. (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Mission and Vision Statements

Friday, November 8, 2019

Blue Mountain Resorts

Blue Mountain Resorts Introduction Blue Mountain Resort is a successful ski resort in Canada. The company has shown considerable increase in its activities due to its lucrative business plan. In 1991, the company hired a new human resource manager. The new manager noted that despite the fact that the company was profitable, its reputation was beginning to suffer.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Blue Mountain Resorts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The services offered by the company were poor and the employees had morale problems. After noting the problems, the new manager decided on a plan that began with an executive retreat. During the retreat, the senior managers of Blue Mountain Resort formulated a comprehensive plan that the company would use to improve its services. The company initiated a service quality program in 1991-1992 ski season (Sheppard 6). This program forced the management act on data collected from customers. In 1993, the company changed the strategy they used in hiring. The purpose of this was to improve the staff quality. The results obtained from the service program encouraged management. However, management felt that they needed to do more. While focusing on quality, the company had ignored process management. Therefore, in 1994-1995 season, the company organized a process team to cater for problems of signage and call center. By 1998-1999 season, the company’s reputation improved considerably while the customer base also increased (Sheppard 11). In 1999, the human resource manager organized a team to do a SWOT analysis. The team compiled the report and presented to the human resource manager, he chose three proposals that required careful consideration. Proposals on customer flow, speed of service, and information system were to be addressed in order to improve the quality service quality. Can Blue Mountain Resort be sure of Delivering Good Service to each Segment? Blue Moun tain Resort is very capable of delivering good services to its customers. This is very evident from their activities in the previous years. Previously, the company had poor services and the staff did not serve customers properly. However, after hiring the new human resource manager the company had improved its service quality considerably. In fact, the customers’ ratings to the staff improved. In 1991-1992 season, 19.6 percent of the customers classified the resort as better than previously. During the same period, the rating of other resorts in Canada fell from 16.5 percent to three percent (Sheppard 6). In addition to the fact, the company managers showed composure when they realized that, their plan had not encompassed the element of process management.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They created a process team to assist in eliminating the chall enges that were arising due to their negligence. The process team helped the company to improve its rating further and increase its market share by increasing the number of customers. The ability portrayed by the company throughout its development period clearly shows that the company is able to deliver goods and services to the different segments despite the challenges. If history serves to predict the future, then, the ability and composure shown by the company through the challenges they faced is evidence enough to prove that the company has the ability to deliver goods and services to each segment. What is the most Appropriate Course of Action for Dave Sinclair? Blue Mountain Resort has three major challenges that the human resource manager, Dave Sinclair, has to address in order to improve the services. From the report, it is clear that the customer influx in the resort increased. However, the new guests have a problem of familiarizing with the resort. The new customers are som etimes misdirected and usually fail to find some basic services. In addition to this, the problem of parking is also affecting the guests who park in restricted areas. The SWOP team identified that the best method of solving this problem is by collecting feedback from customers and acting on the propositions provided by the customers. However, the resort can do more than just identifying the problem and solving it. For a long-term solution, the use of a strategic plan is recommendable. A strategy is a plan of action adopted by management of organizations for achieving goals and objectives (Kaplan and David 56). This strategy plan will ensure that company can achieve its long-term marketing goals and cater for the increase in customer numbers without losing a considerable market share to the competitors (Lancaster and Frank 15). Sanchez encourages managers to measure what matters in order to improve the customer relationships (31). The resort also faces the challenge of delivering se rvices at a commendable speed. The guests are complaining that the speed of service delivery is decreasing. The SWOP team proposed six ways that the human resource manager may use to solve the problem of speed.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Blue Mountain Resorts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Included in the proposals are; better forecasting, improved communications, provision of accurate information, training staff, use of self-service technology, and using scientific methods to schedule staff levels. All these proposals are highly viable and can be adopted by the human resource director in order to improve the services. However, some of these proposals are short term and may only provide temporary solution. For the resort to work properly they should incorporate all these elements in their strategic plan. The proposal on staff training is extremely important and may improve the speed of service delive ry considerably. However, to ensure that the element of training staff is not a waste of time, the manager should also encourage the idea of using scientific methods to determine the staffing levels. This will ensure that the company maintains staff cost effectively and provides services at the required speed (Friedman 23). The company also has a challenge in maintaining a proper information system. The swop team found out that the cost of a new information system was extremely high. Moreover, the cost of hiring a profession would escalate the costs further. To cut on the cost the SWOP team proposed hiring a co-op student. This idea is brilliant, however for a resort like Blue Mountain the room for error is extremely small, and hiring a co-op student may lead to some errors that may be costly later. Therefore, the human resource director should hire a professional and experienced ICT technician to assist in implementing and monitoring the system. The costs incurred may be high initi ally but in the long run, these costs may be negligible if the project is well implemented. Professionalism and experience are handy when a business is installing and implementing a new system (Gruen et al. 42). Anticipating risks that may arise due to lack of professionalism should be part of managerial decisions (Gruca and Lopo 117).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, in the case of Dave, he should ensure that no risks that may arise if they employ the co-op student. In case the human resource manager sees any risks that may be costly, he should abort the idea and employ a professional ICT technician to monitor and implement the new system. Friedman, Lawrence. Go to Market Strategy: Advanced Techniques and Tools for  Selling More Products, to More Customers, More Profitably. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann 2002. Print. Gruca, Thomas S., and Lopo L. Rego. â€Å"Customer Satisfaction, Cash Flow, and Shareholder Value.† Journal of Marketing. 69.3 (2005): 115-130. Print. Gruen, Thomas, John Summers, and Frank Acito. â€Å"Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviors in Professional Associations.† Journal of Marketing, 64.3(2000), 34–49. Print. Kaplan, Robert and David, Norton. The Strategy Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard companies thrive in the new business environment, Boston m ass: Harvard Business School Press, 2000. Print. Lancaster, Geoff. and Frank, Withey. Marketing Fundamentals. London: Macmillan, 2007. Print. Sanchez, John. â€Å"Building Customer Relationship For Enduring Profit in a Wired Economy.† Customer Relationship Marketing. 10.2 (2009): 1-38. JSTOR. Web. Sheppard, Mark. â€Å"Blue Mountains Resorts: The Service Quality Journey.† Ivey Management Services. 22.2 (2002): 1-19

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

INsane or not insane That is the question essays

INsane or not insane That is the question essays Insane Or Not Insane? That Is The Question Some people wonder is Montressor was insane in the short story of The Cask of Amontillado. Well to me, he was. I say this because would a sane man want revenge on a person? Would a sane man want to kill someone in such a slow and painful way? That is the idea that is going to be discussed in this essay. I must not only punish but punish with impunity (p. 149) That line in itself just says that he is not a normal thinking human being. This is when he starts to make out his plan of retribution. During this time, Montressor was careful not to arouse Fortunatos suspicions. ...Neither by word or by deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation (p. 149). Fortunato had a weakness, which Montressor thought could be good for his implementing his plan. Fortunato prided himself upon being a connoisseur of fine wines. In this respect, they were both equals. So therefore, he knew that he would catch on to the bait and fall into the trap. Montressor knew that Fortunato had been drinking and this was even more of a good thing for him. He had shown his gratitude for finding Fortunato because he had just purchased a large cask of what he thinks in Amontillado, which is a dry sherry. Montressor had his doubts about its authenticity and so didnt Fortunato. Amontillado...Impossible! And in the middle of a carnival! (p. 149). Montressor then told him that he also had his doubts, that he had already paid full price and that he was sorry for not consulting with him first. He then tells Fortunato that he was on the way to Luchesis because he wanted to know its authenticity. That was just a piece of the bait to make Fortunato come into the trap. Fortunato was also placing himself in the trap by suggesting that they go to thei...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Answer the following macroeconomic questions Assignment

Answer the following macroeconomic questions - Assignment Example It is important for management to understand the various factors like risk management, risk diversification, market supply demand etc before making important investments. One of the major factors which led the mortgage crisis in the U.S. is the failure of the regulations in the U.S. mortgage and derivative markets. Actually, the regulations contribute to prudent lending or encourage excessive risk taking by increasing the confidence level of investors in the system which is highly controlled and regulated. However, the old regulations have become ineffective in the current global financial system and there is a need to bring change in the old regulations by introducing new ones. The incompetent and dishonest players are harming the consumers and mortgage broking sector and very few barriers have been made to keep them out of this industry. Therefore, through regulations, the competent and incompetent participants need to be distinguished so that a strong and stable system could be bu ilt. This will surely encourage the investors to take risks and increase their confidence in the industry.

Friday, November 1, 2019

HUMAN GROWTH AND THE LIFE COURSE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

HUMAN GROWTH AND THE LIFE COURSE - Essay Example Sociologically, they have to cope with their changing roles. The aged are not only mothers and fathers they have to take on new roles as grandmothers and grandfathers. Most of them have exited their jobs because of retirement and are now unemployed. Because of the new roles that they have to assume they feel differently about themselves and so their attitudes towards life and towards others change (Tavris, 1991). This in fact indicates just how important income generating employment is to most individuals. Santrock (1999) emphasizes that biological, psychological and sociological processes are all interwoven as sociological processes shape psychological processes and psychological processes promote or restrict sociological processes, just as biological processes are impacting on psychological processes. Tavris (1991) has indicated in her papers that sometimes the sex drive does not slow down but there is no one around to relate to in a sexual manner. Based on my experience the males in the old aged homes see the females as fulfilling the role of sexual partners and so these institutions are not just where old people go to die but where life and intimacy is sometimes revived. Although this type of event is not part of what these institutions are about they happen sometimes without the knowledge of the caregivers. Developmental theories of the life cycle such as Erickson’s stages theory have often been used to explain aging. Erickson’s theory identifies three (3) stages of adulthood: the early adulthood – twenties and thirties, middle adulthood – forties and fifties, and late adulthood – sixties and over. However, there are those who have suggested that in recent times age has become a less effective predictor of human behaviour. Erickson sees early adulthood as a period of either intimacy or isolation. Intimacy he describes as the ability to develop relationships that are close and loving. If intimacy does not develop then the individual will feel isolated. Whatever, happens at one stage starting from childhood affects the next stage and so this Intimacy versus Isolation in what is Erickson’s sixth stage has been impacted by the adolescent years which might have been a vey tumultuous one for some adolescents as we will see in the next section. In his seventh stage Erickson sees it as a period of generativity versus stagnation. Generativity refers to shaping the next generation by assisting them to lead useful lives. Middle aged adults who have not been able to make some level of contribution would be seen to have been impacted negatively through stagnation. In the eighth and final stage which he describes as â€Å"integrity versus despair,† it is a time in which the older adults look back at what they have done with their lives. If the periods or stages that preceded this stage were positive then the individual would feel satisfied with some sense of integrity and if it was negative then the individual would have been dissatisfied and thus felt a sense of despair. According to Greenburg (1999, p327) A person who is not successful with this crisis is likely to be overcome with despair because the time left is so short, death approaches too quickly and there is no time left to try another route to gain some integrity. The person may then become bitter, depressed and paranoid as they use disgust to hide this despair. However, this is not the only time that individuals look back. Some